Homosexuals quizzed in Knight III killing



are questioning homosexuals in their hunt for the killers of John S. Knight III, a Philadelphia Daily News editor found stabbed to death over the weekend, the News reported yesterday.

Police confiscated photographs of nude young men. tape recordings and a diary from Knight's apartment. the newspaper said. It said police were reading the diary for clues, including homosexual contacts.

The Daily News quoted anonymous police sources. Police spokesmen refused comment.

Knight. 30, a bachelor, was the grandson of John S. Knight, founder of Knight Newspapers Inc.. which last year merged with Ridder Publications Inc. The new corporation publishes 35 dailies in 16 states.

Knight was found on the bedroom floor of his luxury city apartment at 9 a.m. Sunday. He had been stabbed five times in the

chest and back, according to an autopsy report.

Dr. John McKinnon, 29. of New Haven, Conn., and his wife, Rosemary. 27, were asleep in Knight's apartment when three intruders. entered early Sunday morning, police said. McKinnon roomed with Knight at Harvard.

Mrs. McKinnon told investigators one of the men appeared to be a homosexual, the Daily News said. The newspaper also reported Mrs. McKinnon told police that conversation among the three men indicated they believed Knight also was a homosexual.

The McKinnons lived at 2324 Bellfield Ave., Cleveland Heights for four years. until April 1975. while McKinnon attended Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He graduated this year and has been a resident in psychiatry at Yale University.

Mrs. McKinnon was graduated from the CWRU School of Applied Social Science in 1973.